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Сборник от съвети за новоповярвали християни, с ударение върху полагането на добра духовна основа, пребъдването във Бога и предпазването от някои често допускани грешки в християнския живот.
Покрити са въпроси като: кръщението в Святия Дух, съвети за по-успешна молитва, важността на четене на Библията, ползи и опасности от служението, някои ключове за победата над греха и изкушенията. Също така са разгледани някои грехове, които спират духовния растеж, както и различни аспекти на отношенията ни с Бога и хората.
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Råd till nyfrälsta kristna is a collection of recommendations and guidance for new Christians with emphasis on building good a spiritual foundation, abiding in God and avoiding some common errors in the Christian life. Some of the topics covered:
- Foundations of the Christian spiritual life.
- Keys for a successful prayer life.
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- The importance and centrality of the Bible for the believer.
- Benefits and dangers from the Christian ministry.
- Keys for overcoming sin and temptations.
- Will God accept me back after having fallen away?
- How to never fall away from the faith?
- Suffering – why is it necessary, the fruits from it and ways to successfully go through it.
- Some sins against God and men which we absolutely must overcome and how to do it.
- Freedom from men and their opinion.
- Avoiding the false “gospel” of prosperity.
- Other aspects of our relationships with God and men
Råd till nyfrälsta kristna is a suitable and practical reading for every new believer desiring to live a life dedicated to God. More mature Christians would benefit from the book by examining their spiritual life and correcting any found flows or omissions. The author of the book does not profit financially from this print edition (see Matthew 10:8). The pricing is determined by the printing and distribution costs.
Råd till nyfrälsta kristna – download PDF absolutely free
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